Relationships / Love / Marriage / Divorce / Career / Health / Family / Finance / Karma
Dennis McKenzie has been providing professional and trusted in person and telephone readings for over three decades. He first realised he could see and hear things that were invisible to others from his earliest childhood when he was recovering from a burn in hospital at the age of four. A special nurse used to come and sit by his bed at night, giving him the feeling of total calm. It wasn’t until years later that he realised she came from the spirit world.
His success lies in the quality of his excellent psychics and his ability to connect on all levels. He joined Woman's Own in May 2005 and his weekly column proved to be a smash hit with royals, celebrities and readers.
A Reading with Dennis McKenzie is a unique experience, starting with a numerology reading (based on your full name and date of birth) that allows insight into the real you. Then linking with his spiritual guide, he gathers information from loved ones, who have passed over, giving you guidance for the present and future. The psychic reading is summarised by reading the tarot cards.
Each psychic reading is individual and unpredictable (you'll be allowed to record the session) and you may not always hear what you expect to hear!
Let the spirits and stars guide you
Covid-19 Update
Over the past months, it has become clear our world is facing an unprecedented challenge and in line with the latest information and advice, I will be stopping all face-to-face readings.
I will, however, STIL BE CARRYING OUT READINGS OVER VIDEO PLATFORMS so please do get in touch.
Thank you and stay safe.
Finding a Deeper Meaning
Dennis McKenzie is a ‘down to earth’ guy, his humour and honesty, along with his caring and compassionate attitude, comes across strongly in his work. His accuracy astounds people and he leaves people with little doubt that he has a unique ability. His incredible clairvoyance and psychic gifts are a full time job for Dennis who, purely through word of mouth is a full time Clairvoyant, Psychic, Medium & Healer.