Dennis still charges a modest fee for a reading. “I’m aware I have a gift but it’s not a gift for me, it’s to help others. I always charge the same, whether it’s a celebrity, a film star or a normal person. I feel very strongly that if I did exploit this gift for profit, I’d lose it.”
Numerology, Mediumship/Clairvoyancing and Tarot cards, are all part of the reading, linked to spiritual coaching and costs £50. Readings can be done in person or video call using skype or facetime.
If you require any personal or business investigative work, spirit clearings, house blessing and end of life soul midwifery please contact me for more details and costs.

Tarot cards
The Tarot is the most practised art of divination in the world. The cards are sometimes called 'The Book of Divination of the Gypsies'. They have been used for hundreds of years to reveal hidden truths and to foresee the future of the person receiving the card reading.
I use Tarot for guidance and seeking clarity & direction for particular issues. I affirm as you shuffle the deck and pick cards for the issue I seek guidance for, knowing that it's information that needs to be brought to my attention.

Clairvoyant readings involve a reader harnessing their minds eye to describe images of people, places or objects to you during a reading. They may help validate things that could have happened in your past, present or even your future.
Whether you have a specific question or just want some general guidance, I'm always available to help you find the answers you’re searching for.
Spiritual Coaching
Life is rich with spiritual challenges – grief and loss, growth and change, work and family, striving for justice, developing moral reasoning, questioning belief and tradition, and accepting those challenges is more rewarding when we do it together.
Spiritual direction is the contemplative practice of accompanying a person as they awaken to the spiritual in everyday life. Spiritual and life coaching is an ongoing conversation about life, light and faith, and how they manifest in our daily lives.
I don’t tell you which spiritual path to follow: I encourage and empower you to find the path that’s best for you. I serve people of all faiths and those of no faith. Together, I listen, I ask questions, and I discern direction from the spirit of life.
A spiritual guide listens compassionately with unconditional love as you share your sacred story. This helps you discover self-acceptance and inner peace and self-direction.

Numerology is the study of numbers and has been around for centuries. The specific pattern that Dennis uses was taught to him by his guide “ White Cloud” Your full name (as on your birth certificate) together with your Date of Birth is used to discover your life path. With this information you can reflect and improve your life. This could be your relationship with yourself and others, your spiritual growth or your career.

Dennis uses this method to communicate messages from the spirit realm. Loved ones are able to communicate specific messages. His two guides “white cloud’ and “Yagna” also give guidance and direction.